Friday, January 31, 2014

DIY Plaid Skirt

What I'm Wearing: Plaid Shirt Rails | Shirt Splendid | Boots Zara, Similar

I bought a lot of plaid this past season, but the one item I didn't buy was a plaid skirt. And though in the back of my head I was wanting one, I kept choosing other items instead. But then I found some internet inspiration and decided to make my own plaid skirt using my favorite plaid shirt. It's very simple. All I did was button up the shirt part way (I did about 3/4 of the way up for a higher waist, but button as many as you'd like) and then I just folded the top part down and tied the arms. The result, a plaid skirt that resembles the dressed down look of having a shirt tied around your waist. And then a simple black shirt keeps the look nice and simple. 

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